Headshot of Kris Hall

Kris Hall, M.F.A.

Program Manager, Center to Advance Interprofessional Education and Practice
Advisor, Interprofessional Student Group


Hersey Hall 326
Portland Campus for the Health Sciences

Kris Hall, MFA is the Program Manager for the Center to Advance Interprofessional Education and Practice (formerly Center for Excellence in Collaborative Education, CECE) at UNE, working across the university to provide opportunities for students to learn with, from, and about each other. She is also the Chair of the Professional Staff Assembly ( through May of 2025. Past roles at UNE include Program Manager for a SAMHSA funded SBIRT grant as well as Associate Director for Add Verb Productions (WCHP). As part of faculty teams, she has given national and international presentations and published, on the Interprofessional Team Immersion (IPTI), a unique curricular resource that was designed in response to student requests for small, interactive, cross-professional learning experiences. Kris is a graduate of the Maine College of Art, and a past participant at the Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture.
